Day Kimball Healthcare Center
6 South Main Street | Putnam, CT 06260
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Monday - Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Only patients who have been evaluated by a health care provider for COVID-19 symptoms, or are scheduled for a medical procedure, and have a valid prescription order from their physician may be tested at the DKH drive-up collection site. Testing is offered for both pediatric and adult patients. On demand or walk-up testing is not available at this location.
Results are generally available within 2-3 days depending on regional test volume. Wait times may be longer as volumes increase. Individuals will be contacted directly with their results when they become available.
Patients with COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fever, and shortness of breath should contact their health care provider to be evaluated for their symptoms. Once the individual is determined to be a candidate for testing, the clinician will submit a physician order for the COVID-19 test.
Day Kimball Medical Group’s primary and specialty care practices are accepting new patients. Find a Day Kimball Medical Group provider by phone - just call 1 (844) DKMG DOC (1-844-356-4362) and one of our patient service representatives will return your call to help you.
COVID-19 General Information & Resources
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
COVID-19 Visitor Policies
The act of giving can be an extremely rewarding experience. Click below to learn more about making a gift to Day Kimball Health.